Thursday, February 16, 2012

8 Weeks Post Relaxer!! Boooo!!

The results of my bantu knots
So today marked 8 weeks post relaxer. I know that sounds WWAAYY early to the vets but for my first stretch I think I did an okay job. Next time I will definitely meet my 10 week stretch goal. I also relaxed early because of the upcoming Mardi Gras weekend and my mini-vaca with a really close friend and her family. I don't want everyone waiting on me to do my daily hair routine so I went ahead and relaxed. I'll post another bantu knot out that I wore today and my first LENGTH CHECK pics. AAAHHH super excited!!!!

Bantu Knots


                                                2/16/12                                        1/26/12
I will definitely do better with my comparison pics next time.


  1. Your bantu knots came out very nice. I plan on trying my first one within the next week or so.

    1. Thank you so much!! I have found that they last longer when I put a small amount of mouse on my strands before I twist them up.
